"Trí tuệ giàu lên nhờ cái nó nhận được,con tim giàu lên nhờ cái nó cho đi" - Victor Hugo.You can make a living by what you get, but you can make a life by what you give- Winston Churchill

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Brilliant Students

Answers of a Brilliant student who obtained 0%
Q. In which battle did Napolean die?
A. His last battle.
Q. Where was the Declaration of Independence Signed?
A. At the Bottom of the Page.
Q. River Ravi flows in which state?
A. Liquid.
Q. Whats the main reason for Divorce?
A. Marriage.
Q. Whats the main reason for Failure?
A. Examinations.
Did the student Answer Anything Wrong...???